Розробка позакласного заходу з англійської мови
Тема: Урок-суд над порушником прав дітей.
Навчальна: вчити використовувати в процесі мовлення лексику з теми «Відносини в родині», «Права дитини», володіти додатковою лексикою з юридичної теми; вчити за ситуацією вживати досвід та набуті мовні та мовленнєві навички;
Розвивальна: вміти підтримати бесіду, висловлюючи та захищаючи свою власну точку зору, адекватно поводитися у комунікативних ситуаціях, демонструючи мовленнєву поведінку, характерну для носіїв мови;
Виховна: виховувати повагу до членів родини, взаємопідтримку, вміння вести діалог етикетного характеру в нестандартних ситуаціях спілкування.
Мовленева:розвиток навиків усного мовлення на ділову тему
Обладнання: атрибути для суду, матеріали «справи» на дошці.
Форма проведення: судовий процес.
Хід заняття
Орг. момент. Повідомлення теми і мети
Вчитель: Good afternoon, class. Today we’ll take part in the trial devoted to the child’s rights. Some of you would be a judge, a prosecutor, an attorney, an offender, a victim, witnesses and jury.
Judge: Встать, суд идет. This hearing is of a case of infliction to the underaged Solovjov O.M. by the local deputy Pryduvalov A.S. The word is given to the prosecutor.
Prosecutor: Mr. Pryduvalov, you are accused for the infliction of the 14-year’s-old Solovyov O.M. that happened on the February, 24, 2008. As it was adjudicated by the pre-trial investigator, this day you inspected the building of the local orphanage. Having visited all the premises, you asked the victim to wash your car and promised to pay him 20 hryvnyas. But then you were dissatisfied with his work and refused to pay. The boy protested loudly and you hurt him.
Attorney: Your honour, I consider these facts unreliable and based only on the words of the victim. My client is a very respectable person, acts as a deputy for 10 years and made a lot to this town. So how can you believe this teenager, who seeks just for money? Mr. Pryduvalov was the sponsor of this orphanage and always gave money for the summer rest of the children.
Prosecutor: We don’t judge the offender for his sponsor activity but for the infringement of the child’s rights, notably the right for rest (You made him work at his free time), the right for paid job, for health and freedom of speech. So you are accused and I ask the court for the 3 years of imprisonment to you.
Attorney: Defence asks for the 1st witness. (1st witness comes)
Judge: Please, introduce yourself.
1st witness: I’m Margarita Sergeevna Petrova, the headmistress of the orphanage. I can say that the offender is a very kind and pleasant person and he couldn’t hurt anyone. That day he visited our orphanage and was very pleased by the pupils. He even promised to find money for our little sportsmen to go to the Ukrainian swimming championship this year. But now he won’t be our sponsor anymore! (cries)
Prosecutor: So you didn’t see this case by yourself, did you?
1st witness: No, I did not. But I don’t trust the words of Solovyov, because he wants only money and fame.
Prosecutor: According to your words, the fame is to be beaten by the local authority? Ok, how can you explain the bruises on the Solovyov’s face?
1st witness: He did it by himself!
Attorney: You can not answer, this is only a suggestion.
Prosecutor: And what kind of relationship do you have with the offender?
1st witness: This is not your business!
Judge: Witness, answer the question!
1st witness: We are just old friends…
Prosecutor: But I have facts that you are closer than friends, your are lovers! So you can’t witness for him.
(gives photos to the judge)
Judge: I understand. We can’t accept your evidence. Defence, do you have other evidences?
Attorney: No, we don’t, your honour.
Judge: Prosecution?
Prosecutor: Yes, you honour. I would like to invite our witness.
2nd witness: I’m Vavilov Andrey, pupil of the 8th form of the orphanage. I saw the offender that day, he was very angry because Solovyov said a joke about him and the headmistress. And then I wondered having seen Oleg washing the car. And when he finished and didn’t get his money, he cried that he told everything to the Mr.Pryduvalov’s wife about his relations with headmistress. And then Oleg was beaten.
Attorney: Why have you followed Oleg that day?
2nd witness: I had a lot of free time because of inspection, so I just was hanging around.
Prosecutor: Why didn’t you go to the police that day?
2nd witness: I was afraid of the headmistress, she could place me to the mental institution, and I didn’t want it. But now new parent adopt me and I can tell everything. We got no vacations at summer, but the offender made us work at his summer house, build the woodshed and hayloft here. And Oleg promised to tell this too.
Prosecutor: Your honour, we checked this information, visited this summer house and found 3 boys working there. Here are their evidence. (gives papers to the judge)
Judge: Defence, would you like to ask the witness?
Attorney:The defence rests, your honour.
Judge: The judge goes to the retiring room to make a decision
Teacher: All pupils-jury argue which decision should be passed.
Judge’s decision….
Підведення підсумків
Вчитель: Did you understand the procedure of the trial? What summary can you take of this situation? Which of you can give some vital examples?
The children give their answers….
The teacher thanks them….Thank you, see you soon at new trial…..
Гра сприяє:
1) Встановленню взаємних контактів, спілкуванню;
2) Розвитку творчої самостійності та ініціативі;
3) Підвищення зацікавленості до мови;
Захоплююче формування навиків та вмінь.