среда, 13 января 2010 г.

Tongue Twisters

Чтобы легко разговаривать на английском, нужно подготовить свой речевой аппарат к другому языку. В этом вам помогут скороговорки, или как говорят англичане, Tongue Twisters, т.е. "закручивающие язык" :)

+    He that hatches matches hatches catches

+     As snug as a bug in the rug

+     A proper crop of poppies is a proper poppy-crop

   Of all the saws I ever saw I never saw a saw as that saw saws

+     If a dog chews shoes, what shoes would he choose to chew?

Too few for sure, he’s a choosy shoe-chewer

+     He owned an ocean-going boat

+     He will show us the road where  the wild roses grow

   The rain in Spain falls mainly in the end of May

+     Any noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster the most.

+     I’ll surely speak more fluently after a tour to Europe.

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