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Предмет: Практичний курс англійської мови
Вид заняття: практичне заняття
Дата: 08.12.09
Курс: 4
Група: 41ш9
Тема: Активізація введеного лексико-граматичного матеріалу в тренувальних вправах. Аналітична робота над художнім уривком тексту “The Last Leaf” (by O.Henry)
Мета: вчити працювати з текстом, аналізувати його; ознайомити з новим лексичним матеріалом, новими граматичними конструкціями;
розвивати інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови; навички говоріння, читання, письма; логічне мислення, активність, увагу, інтелектуальні здібності учнів;
виховувати любов та інтерес до літератури, прагнення до читання текстів в оригіналі; доброзичливість та самостійність.
Обладнання: текст скоромовок, підручник, текст художнього уривку з твору О.Генрі “The Last Leaf”.
Література: Н.А.Бонк, Н.А.Лукьянова, Л.Г.Памухина. Учебник английского языка. В 2-х ч. Часть 2. –М. Товарищество «ДеКонт»: 1995, 511 с.
Хід заняття
1. Організаційний момент
T: Good morning, students. Nice to meet you! Sit down, please.
2. Фонетична зарядка
T: Today we’ll train to pronounce sounds [u] and [uə] with the help of tongue-twisters.
If a dog chews shoes, what shoes would he choose to chew?
Too few for sure, he’s a choosy shoe-chewer
I’ll surely speak more fluently after a tour to Europe.
T: Listen to me, then repeat after me, then speak with me, then say it without me, then 2-3 students say it by themselves.
T: OK, you were good in it.
3. Актуалізація опорних знань
Перевірка домашнього завдання
T: What was your home-task for today? Let’s check it.
T: You have to work out the text “The Serenade” and do exercises 2, 3, 4, p.177 after the text. Please, read, what words or word-combinations you put in the gaps.
T: Thank you, that was right. Your mark is ___.
T: Next exercise, please. You were to substitute words or word-combinations from the text for the italicized parts.
T: Very well, your mark is_____. Others have to be more attentive.
T: And the last exercise – to find English equivalents to the words. Be more precise, your mark is ____.
T: Fine, you were very attentive and smart; all of you have done the homework. Thank you.
4. Введення нового матеріалу
4.1. Вступна бесіда
T: Now we’ll read the new text “The Last Leaf” (by O.Henry). Who has read it in Russian? Can you tell me, what is this text about? Who can guess why it was called so? What do you know about the O.Henry’s style of writing? What did he write?
T: Good, now open your books on page 313. At first we’ll read words and word-combinations from the text and translate them.
T: Now let’s read the text one by one by extracts and then answer my question: Why did Johnsy want to see the last leaf fall?
4.2. Читання тексту, переклад
Reading the text, translation.
4.3. Перевірка розуміння прочитаного
T: OK, answer my questions (ex. 1, p. 331)
1. Why did Johnsy want to see the last leaf fall?
2. Where did the two young painters live and why couldn’t they get a better place to live in?
3. Why was Johnsy unfit to stand the strain of the suffering?
4. What chance did the doctor say Johnsy had? What was his advice?
5. Why did Sue say that according to the doctor Johnsy’s chances were ten to one? Was it true?
6. Why was Sue leaving Behrman’s room with her chin in the air? Why did he change his mind?
7. Why did Sue and Behrman look at each other without speaking when they got back to the girls’ room?
8. What did the girls see next morning?
9. What happened when Johnsy saw the lonely leaf hanging bravely from its branch against the brick wall?
10. Why did Sue stress the fact that Mr. Behrman didn’t suffer long?
11. Who was the first to guess what had happened that night? Why couldn’t the janitor or the doctor imagine where Mr. Behrman had been on such a terrible night? When do you think Sue guessed what Mr. Behrman had done?
12. Why did Sue ask Johnsy, “Didn’t you wonder why it never moved when the wind blew”?
13. Why the story is called “The Last Leaf”? What other name could be given to the story?
T: Very well, you understood the text.
5. Закріплення матеріалу
Письмове закріплення
T: So, let’s do exercises 2, 4 on pages 319-320. You have to explain the words and substitute words or word-combinations from the text for the italicized parts.
5.2. Усна монологічна розповідь
T: I choose 4 persons that would tell us this story from different point of view: Johnsy, Sue, old Behrman and the doctor. You have ten minutes to do the task.
T: Meanwhile, we’ll exercise 3 on page 319 – find English equivalents to the words.
T: Let’s check your stories. Very well, it was interesting and right, so your marks are _______.
6. Підведення підсумків
T: What text did we read today? What was it about? Why was Johnsy unfit to stand the strain of the suffering? Why the lat leaf was hanging at the grape-vine for so long? Why the story is called “The Last Leaf”? What other name could be given to the story?
7. Інструктаж домашнього завдання
T: At home you do ex. 4-5 on pages 328-329. There you have to fill in gaps with prepositions (using the text) and choose the correct word from the given.
Thank you for the lesson, good-bye!
Дата: 08.12.09
Курс: 4
Група: 41ш9
Тема: Активізація введеного лексико-граматичного матеріалу в тренувальних вправах. Аналітична робота над художнім уривком тексту “The Last Leaf” (by O.Henry)
Мета: вчити працювати з текстом, аналізувати його; ознайомити з новим лексичним матеріалом, новими граматичними конструкціями;
розвивати інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови; навички говоріння, читання, письма; логічне мислення, активність, увагу, інтелектуальні здібності учнів;
виховувати любов та інтерес до літератури, прагнення до читання текстів в оригіналі; доброзичливість та самостійність.
Обладнання: текст скоромовок, підручник, текст художнього уривку з твору О.Генрі “The Last Leaf”.
Література: Н.А.Бонк, Н.А.Лукьянова, Л.Г.Памухина. Учебник английского языка. В 2-х ч. Часть 2. –М. Товарищество «ДеКонт»: 1995, 511 с.
Хід заняття
1. Організаційний момент
T: Good morning, students. Nice to meet you! Sit down, please.
2. Фонетична зарядка
T: Today we’ll train to pronounce sounds [u] and [uə] with the help of tongue-twisters.
If a dog chews shoes, what shoes would he choose to chew?
Too few for sure, he’s a choosy shoe-chewer
I’ll surely speak more fluently after a tour to Europe.
T: Listen to me, then repeat after me, then speak with me, then say it without me, then 2-3 students say it by themselves.
T: OK, you were good in it.
3. Актуалізація опорних знань
Перевірка домашнього завдання
T: What was your home-task for today? Let’s check it.
T: You have to work out the text “The Serenade” and do exercises 2, 3, 4, p.177 after the text. Please, read, what words or word-combinations you put in the gaps.
T: Thank you, that was right. Your mark is ___.
T: Next exercise, please. You were to substitute words or word-combinations from the text for the italicized parts.
T: Very well, your mark is_____. Others have to be more attentive.
T: And the last exercise – to find English equivalents to the words. Be more precise, your mark is ____.
T: Fine, you were very attentive and smart; all of you have done the homework. Thank you.
4. Введення нового матеріалу
4.1. Вступна бесіда
T: Now we’ll read the new text “The Last Leaf” (by O.Henry). Who has read it in Russian? Can you tell me, what is this text about? Who can guess why it was called so? What do you know about the O.Henry’s style of writing? What did he write?
T: Good, now open your books on page 313. At first we’ll read words and word-combinations from the text and translate them.
T: Now let’s read the text one by one by extracts and then answer my question: Why did Johnsy want to see the last leaf fall?
4.2. Читання тексту, переклад
Reading the text, translation.
4.3. Перевірка розуміння прочитаного
T: OK, answer my questions (ex. 1, p. 331)
1. Why did Johnsy want to see the last leaf fall?
2. Where did the two young painters live and why couldn’t they get a better place to live in?
3. Why was Johnsy unfit to stand the strain of the suffering?
4. What chance did the doctor say Johnsy had? What was his advice?
5. Why did Sue say that according to the doctor Johnsy’s chances were ten to one? Was it true?
6. Why was Sue leaving Behrman’s room with her chin in the air? Why did he change his mind?
7. Why did Sue and Behrman look at each other without speaking when they got back to the girls’ room?
8. What did the girls see next morning?
9. What happened when Johnsy saw the lonely leaf hanging bravely from its branch against the brick wall?
10. Why did Sue stress the fact that Mr. Behrman didn’t suffer long?
11. Who was the first to guess what had happened that night? Why couldn’t the janitor or the doctor imagine where Mr. Behrman had been on such a terrible night? When do you think Sue guessed what Mr. Behrman had done?
12. Why did Sue ask Johnsy, “Didn’t you wonder why it never moved when the wind blew”?
13. Why the story is called “The Last Leaf”? What other name could be given to the story?
T: Very well, you understood the text.
5. Закріплення матеріалу
Письмове закріплення
T: So, let’s do exercises 2, 4 on pages 319-320. You have to explain the words and substitute words or word-combinations from the text for the italicized parts.
5.2. Усна монологічна розповідь
T: I choose 4 persons that would tell us this story from different point of view: Johnsy, Sue, old Behrman and the doctor. You have ten minutes to do the task.
T: Meanwhile, we’ll exercise 3 on page 319 – find English equivalents to the words.
T: Let’s check your stories. Very well, it was interesting and right, so your marks are _______.
6. Підведення підсумків
T: What text did we read today? What was it about? Why was Johnsy unfit to stand the strain of the suffering? Why the lat leaf was hanging at the grape-vine for so long? Why the story is called “The Last Leaf”? What other name could be given to the story?
7. Інструктаж домашнього завдання
T: At home you do ex. 4-5 on pages 328-329. There you have to fill in gaps with prepositions (using the text) and choose the correct word from the given.
Thank you for the lesson, good-bye!
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